Going on a Wellness Retreat? Pack For A Comfy Flight

Going on a Wellness Retreat? Pack For A Comfy Flight

Carry on essentials to make your flight a breeze.

Best tips for a comfortable flight for a wellness retreat, yoga retreat, fitness retreat and more!

Long-flights, squishy seats, and little leg room... quite a familiar situation that many experience when flying abroad. When going on a wellness retreat, you may be flying for hours just to get there!

Sure, arriving at a beautiful vacation destination is a dream and usually full of adventures and relaxation. However, the journey is usually far from ideal! But it doesn't have to be this way, there are ways to make the experience more enjoyable.

Of course, we don't have any magic tricks up our sleeves that will somehow provide you with a recliner when you're on the plane. You will still have to work with your surrounding environment, but you can manipulate it to make your journey an enjoyable one. The best way to do this is to pack your carry-on like a pro! If you’re wondering what to pack on your carry-on, you’ve found the right blog.

It's time to fly the right way! Although you can't do too much about the space you're given on a commercial flight - there are ways to make it a little bit better. We have put together a list of vetted products that are a MUST the next time you step on a flight. The items below will make you feel more comfortable and ensure you have a great flight.

Small Carry On

First and foremost, you will need to bring a small bag or backpack to bring on all the essentials. It doesn't need to be very big as you will only bring items that are a must-have. You want to minimize what you're bringing and avoid packing extra. In addition, this will make storage and finding your necessities easier once you're in the air!

A small backpack will be a great bring-along once you get to your destination as well. Especially if you are going on a wellness retreat, yoga retreat or fitness retreat…you will be active and need a comfy bag to carry your things.

For example, the best yoga retreats will have to go to a beautiful location to participate in your daily yoga classes. Maybe a beach? or in front of a waterfall! Either way, you will need to have a backpack to carry your water bottle, towel, snacks and whatever else you would need!

Top Tip: Pack your items in packing cubes or grab a backpack with several compartments - this way you can stay organized and know exactly where all the items are!

Essential Travel Attire

To be comfortable, you need to dress comfortably. This means leggings, sweatsuits or any other comfortable pants and tops you have. Forget the jeans and pack them up! No restricting clothes are allowed on the plane!

Don't worry - if you're heading to a wellness retreat, your athleisure will be the star of your wardrobe. So, wear comfy clothes and pack even more. Impress your yoga teacher and fellow students with your favorite sets and yoga practices!

Same thing goes for fitness retreats - you will either be on an adventure or strength training in a boot camp. Pack accordingly!

Essentials for Sleeping

For long flights - being comfortable enough to fall asleep will help time pass. Here is what to bring to make your nap as peaceful as possible.

  • Travel Pillow: Either a foam or blow-up travel pillow is essential to support your neck while you try to sleep.
  • Sleeping mask: There is a lot of movement on planes and sometimes the lights will stay on. Therefore, a sleeping mask is a must to ensure it is dark.
  • Earplugs: Earplugs will help to drown out the noise so when you're asleep you can stay asleep and not be woken up by your surroundings.
  • Water Bottle: You can bring an empty water bottle through security and then fill them up once you're through. It’s best to always stay hydrated throughout your flight!
  • Small Lap Blanket: Planes can get cold sometimes so pack an extra light blanket to cover up.

Essentials for entertainment

For the hours you are not sleeping - you're going to have to have something to do. The following will help time pass and make your flight more enjoyable.

  • Headphones: You cannot forget your headphones. They are essential for you to watch videos, movies, tv shows, or listen to podcasts, books and music.
  • Tablets/Laptop: For all things visual entertainment, you will need a laptop or tablets. Of course, if you don't have these, many flights have screens with movies, shows, games, etc. on flight for you to utilize.
  • Tablet Readers: Big reader? Bring a tablet instead of clunky books to save room and weight.
  • Notebooks: A notebook is nice to have so you can mind dump, plan, or doodle!

All of these will be great entertainment essentials once you are at your retreat destination as well! Maybe on hiking trails or during meditation sessions you will want to listen to music. Or you'll use your notebook to journal as part of your mind and body morning ritual.

Cosmetic and Health Essentials

To make sure you feel refreshed and clean, these are some beauty and health essential products you should pack:

  • Makeup removing wipes
  • Hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Moisturizing lotion and lip balm
  • Hairbrush and ties

All Other Essentials

To make your flight even better, there are a couple more items that you should bring along on your journey:

  • Electronic Chargers (Cell Phone, Laptops, Tablets, etc)
  • Snacks
  • Sleeping aid
  • Advil & Tylenol
  • Outfit Change
  • Copy of passport and travel documents

Final Thoughts

Flights don't need to be a part of the journey you need to feat. You can actually enjoy your time up in the air if you bring the right items to make yourself comfy and entertained. With all of the items above, you will be able to breeze through your flight with no problems.

If you still haven't booked your wellness, fitness, or yoga retreat - check out the best wellness retreats and best yoga retreat company around: Fit4Travel!

Looking to book your next adventure? Check out Fit4Travel retreat itineraries all over the world! Contact us for more info and see what our retreats offer.

A: 1007 N Federal Hwy Suite 319, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33304 • PH: 754-457-9870 • E: care@iamfit4travel.com