What to pack for a wellness retreat?

What to pack for a wellness retreat?

After long contemplation, you finally booked a wellness retreat. How exciting! In just a short time, you will be set up at a beautiful retreat that offers a schedule of activities focused on improving your well-being. On your retreat, you will finally have the time to take some well-deserved rest and relaxation.

You have so much to gain when you attend a wellness retreat as you restore your body and mind. It truly can transform one's life. The basic principle of each retreat is for you to participate in various wellness activities to return home feeling better than when you got there.

However, as great as it sounds, packing for a retreat can be daunting if you haven't attended one before. In addition, retreats are filled with different activities, so it can be hard to know exactly what to bring.

Often, retreat goers will come physically unprepared by packing too much inappropriate gear or not packing enough altogether. So, questions that are asked pretty frequently by wellness retreat attendees are:

'How do you pack for a retreat? What should I not bring? What are the essentials to bring?'

Lucky for you, we've compiled a list of must-haves for each activity that could be on your retreat. So when you add the following list of items to your suitcase, you'll be fully prepared for your getaway of relaxation and adventure!

Basic Wellness Retreat Essentials List

Even though every wellness retreat is unique in its own way, the basics of what to pack stays the same. The essentials that need to be taken to on your retreat will include:

  • Casual Clothes:You will most likely have some downtime on your retreat, or you'll have the opportunity to leisurely explore the area you're visiting. Therefore, you should have some basic clothing that is comfortable and casual. Basic t-shirts, shorts, trousers, and simple dresses are all you'll need to be prepared for these instances.
  • Comfortable footwear: Pack a pair of casual shoes that are comfortable enough to go on leisure walks around the towns or the resort. Depending on your destination, you can bring sandals, flip-flops, or a pair of sneakers.
  • Sunscreen: Many retreats have you outdoors and exploring nature, so you will be exposed to harsh UV rays for most of the day. Sunscreen is crucial to pack so you can avoid an uncomfortable sunburn.
  • Reusable Water Bottle: Having one of these on hand will help you stay hydrated no matter where the retreat takes you!
  • Toiletries: Any toiletries you use at home, feel free to bring them on the retreat.
  • Headphones: These are great to bring so you can access music anywhere. It is ideal to have a pair of headphones for the plane, bus rides, laying out in the sun or going for a jog around the resort.
  • Credit Card and Cash: It is a good idea to have both your credit card and adequate cash on hand for extra spending.

Exercise Class Essentials List

Many wellness retreats have an element of physical fitness included. So, if your itinerary has boot camps, yoga classes or any other fitness class scheduled, then packing the below list will ensure you are fully prepared to get your sweat on!

  • Spandex Legging Options: These are a must-have to pack. It is always a good idea to have full-length pant options on hand for your fitness class. For instance, many classes are held outside, and the weather is unpredictable, so packing leggings are essential for working out on rainy or cloudy days. As well, you may just prefer working out in leggings compared to other options. No matter the reason, having 3-4 pairs on hand will be optimal.
  • Activewear Shorts Options: Pack 2-3 pairs of active shorts for your trip. Having options will ensure you have enough pairs for your entire getaway.
  • Multiple Sports Bras: There is usually not an option to wash your clothes at wellness retreats. So pack 4-5 sports bras because chances are you will work up to sweat in your fitness classes. Therefore, it is ideal to have clean options on hand.
  • Athletic Sneakers: Don't forget sneakers, as they will be essential for most of your trip activities.
  • High-Quality Socks: If the fitness class requires you to wear sneakers, make sure you pack a pair of socks so you can avoid getting painful blisters.
  • Hat Options: Your classes might be in the sun so bring a hat for extra protection.

Water Excursions Essentials List

Many Wellness Retreats are located near a beach. Attendees can take in the views, go for a swim in the ocean and soak in the sun. You'll need to pack a few extra things if you expect to spend some of your days on the beach. As well, if your itinerary has any other water-based activities like jumping in the waterfalls or going on a kayaking adventure, the following items will need to be in your bag:

  • Swimwear: 2-3 options will be optimal to ensure you have enough suits for your entire retreat.
  • Sunglasses: The sun can be bright, so bringing a pair of sunglasses along is essential.
  • A Good Book: You will finally get some downtime to read that book that's been sitting on your nightstand. Bring it along so you can read on the beach or at the pool.
  • Towel: This is essential to bring to dry off after your water fun.
  • Aloe Vera: Even using sunscreen, you may still get a sunburn. It is better to be prepared for these situations than not, so pack a bottle of aloe for sunburn relief.

Exploring Nature Essentials List

A great perk of going on wellness retreats is that you'll usually get the chance to explore nature. Many retreats include outdoor physical activity in their itinerary. Anything from hiking through mountain trails to taking a long walk over different terrain is typically added to a retreat schedule. Being out in nature is not only good for your physical health, but it is also suitable for your soul. If your retreat has plenty of outdoors time, be sure to pack the following items:

  • Small Backpack: This is great to have to store some snacks, a water bottle and bug spray while you're on your hike or walk.
  • Proper Boots: If your retreat has you going on a hike, pack appropriate hiking boots. However, suppose you are just going on a leisure nature walk. In that case, you can get away with comfortable athletic sneakers.
  • Bug Spray: Don't forget to bring bug repellent so you can enjoy your walk/hike without being swarmed by insects.

Now, it’s time to get packing for your wellness retreat! You will be fully prepared to embrace the activities and enjoy every minute of your getaway. We hope these lists were helpful to get you prepared for your upcoming adventure.

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