A Guide To Travel Insurance: Everything You Need To Know

A Guide To Travel Insurance: Everything You Need To Know

No matter where your wellness retreat destination is, a situation during your travel journey could put you in an unfortunate position. Whether a flight was canceled, you got sick during your trip, or any other disturbances that could put a roadblock in your journey. You never know what could happen, making buying travel insurance and booking your flight through Fit4Travel much more critical.

The benefits of travel insurance are vast; they can make bad situations, like having to cancel your trip, less stressful. There are plenty of travel insurance companies out there to pick from. However, when traveling with Fit4Travel, there are numerous additional perks that you can get when adding on airfare and travel insurance to your trip.

Here are a few reasons why booking travel insurance is a must, and booking airfare through the Fit4Travel team is highly beneficial:


1. Cover Trip Cancellations

As Covid-19 testing requirements are dropping worldwide, many people see no issue with skipping purchasing travel insurance. However, a wellness retreat is an investment you won't want to miss out on or get spoiled because you must cancel for any reason.

There are other situations than catching covid that could cancel your dreamy wellness retreat plans. For instance, what if you catch the flu a few days before you're supposed to depart and are no longer fit to travel. Without insurance, you could lose out.

Plenty of hypothetical situations could happen and keep you away from your wellness retreat experience. However, most of us can't afford to lose out on our investment in our vacation. So, since we cannot predict the future, it's safe to say that purchasing travel insurance can help ease your mind regarding having coverage in certain situations.

When you buy travel insurance through Fit4tavel, we can help to cover trip costs in case you're sick before the departure or any other covered situations that cause trip interruptions or cancellations.


2. Helpful Resource for Emergencies

There is a chance you get sick or injured while you are on the trip. This incident could lengthen your stay and put you in a situation requiring additional accommodations. Without travel insurance, you could be out of pocket and responsible for paying the extra costs of staying longer than anticipated.

With Fit4travel travel insurance, you could get coverage for the additional accommodation costs. Therefore, in certain situations, you will not have to be stressed over the hundreds to thousands of dollars it could have cost to purchase last-minute accommodations for an extended period.

Plus, since you're on a Fit4travel retreat, you won't need to do any planning if you have to stay longer. We have relationships with vendors and deep knowledge of the area we host retreats in, so we can help you sort out situations that would cause a disruption in your travels.


3. Medical Emergencies Costs

Going through unfortunate incidents that could lead to a hospital or clinic visit could happen anytime, even on vacation. Most of the time, the country you visit will not accept your home-based health insurance policy plan and will require cash for their services. So, you must ensure you have the appropriate coverage to help pay for medical assistance and service while out of your home country.

Fit4Travel travel insurance will help to ease your mind about medical emergencies in another country. In addition, depending on the situation, it could help pay for losses due to medical and dental emergencies and the medical expenses incurred while you're on your trip.


4. Flight Issues

If you've been keeping up with the news lately, you have probably noticed a plethora of flights being canceled. Unfortunately, canceled or delayed flights are not out of the norm in today's travel environment. It would be a headache to take a gamble on booking with these unreliable airlines without having a backup. In fact, many of these flights are last-minute cancellations, so you're either left stranded in an airport or missing your connection.

No matter the outcome of a canceled flight - it's not a spot you want to be in while trying to get to your beautiful wellness retreat destination.

When you book airfare with Fit4Travel, we will take all the stress out of the uncertainty that comes with flying these days. Our team is here to support your requests in the case of a travel delay or cancellation. We will ensure you are on the next flight and schedule accommodation where needed.

When you choose to book a flight without using Fit4Travel, and something happens that halts your journey, our hands will be tied. Unfortunately, there will not be much help our team can bring to relieve these stressful situations when you book your flights through a different provider. So, why not have a team of experts on your side to ensure your travels will go as smoothly as possible?

Final Thoughts

Purchasing travel insurance and airfare through Fit4Travel is the way to go when planning your retreat getaway. We can help take the uncertainty out of traveling by supporting you in emergencies and ensuring that you can get the most out of your retreat.

The worry of experiencing a medical emergency in a different country, missing or getting your flights canceled, or totally canceling your retreat for numerous reasons will be mitigated when you choose to use Fit4travel travel insurance and book airfare through us.

So now that you know why buying travel insurance is a must, click here for more details about our travel insurance and its coverage policy!

A: 1007 N Federal Hwy Suite 319, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33304 • PH: 754-457-9870 • E: care@iamfit4travel.com